Contemporary & Jazz | 23 – 27 June

Who is this camp for?

Contemporary and jazz day camp for adults and teens from 14 years requires at least two years of dance experience.

Camp program

The program of this versatile city camp includes contemporary dance, jazz dance, improvisation, pilates and body care.

09.15–10.15   Pilates – Mika Lehto
10.30–12.00   Jazz dance – Riikka Helander
13.00–14.30  Dance improvisation –Taika Rautiainen
14.45–16.15  Contemporary – Taija Sipola
16.15–16.45   Body conditioning – Taija Sipola

What to bring? |  In addition to comfortable dance clothing, it is a good idea to have your own yoga mat with you.

Venue: Kamppi


Course number: 25809   |   Camp fee: 250 €
By Wed 11.6. Availability can still be requested after the last day of registration. The camp will be held if there are a minimum of ten participants.