1 § Registration
1.1. A student must register for the classes in a written form, either on the form found on our website at www.helsingintanssiopisto.fi or by a hand-filled form in which case the form of a student under 18 years must be signed by their guardian.
1.2. Registration for the winter season will cover both autumn and spring semesters, both lasting five periods. Periods are four or five weeks long (see Periods and due dates). There is a separate registration for the summer season.
1.3. A student can try out a class by paying a single class fee in advance.
2 § Payments
2.1. A student must pay Helsingin tanssiopisto
• a tuition for the classes he/she is enrolled in. A student will have a place in the class and is required to pay the tuition until a written cancellation (according to 4§ of these rules) is sent to the Student Office.
• in case of delayed tuition, 5 euros for a new invoice and the overdue interest.
• when the tuition has been sent to a collection agency, a student must pay for the office fees and the overdue interest. Tanssiopisto reserves the right to collect a 20 euro penalty fee from a student that attends classes against these rules.
2.2. Tuition is paid using a bank transfer mailed to the student. The tuition can be paid either by period or by semester. In the latter case, the student will receive a 10 % discount on the tuition. The method of payment can be changed 14 days before the due date by contacting the Student Office.
2.3. In case of a long-term (at least 14 days) absence due to an illness, special arrangements can be made. The student must provide a doctor’s certificate and notify the Student Office. The arrangement can come into effect from the day the Student Office has been notified. Doctor’s certificate must have mention about patient not been able to exercise. With package price arrangements can be made if doctor’s certificate is at least for 7 days.
2.4. Exercise vouchers, -cards and and mobile payments are not refundable for example in case of class cancellation due to sickness, but these vouchers/cards/payments can be used later on for invoice payments.
3 § Making up classes
3.1. Tanssiopisto gives the student the opportunity to make up occasional absences before or after the absence in classes there is room in. The student can make up classes two months before or after the absence. Unlimited training right or intensive courses do not include the right to make up classes. Absences cannot be made up in intensive course classes nor can absences from intensive course be made up in normal classes. The right to make up classes expires when the student has cancelled all of their classes. Occasional absences will not be refunded, instead the student makes up the absences. The student (in case of a minor the guardian) is responsible for keeping track of the absences.
3.2. When going to a make up a class, the student will give the teacher a make up slip. Make up slips can be found in the dressing rooms and on our website.
3.3. You can only use the right to make up classes during a period that has been paid.
4 § Cancelling registration
4.1. A cancellation must always be made in written form to the Student Office, either by letter, email or by an online form. Teachers do not accept cancellations.
4.2. A student paying by periods can cancel the registration (or a part of it, if the student has more than one weekly class) 14 day before the start of the next period. A list of periods, due dates and cancellation dates is published in the program of each academic year.
4.3. A student paying by semester can cancel the registration (or a part of it, if the student has more than one weekly class) 14 days before the start of a new semester.
4.4. Intensive course or camp can be cancelled 7 days before the camp’s/course’s beginning date written in the tanssiopisto brochure. When cancelling registration after this, 50 % of the course’s and 25 % of the camp’s tuition is charged. No cancellations on the day the course/camp starts, or after the course/camp has started.
4.5. A single class cannot be cancelled but it can be made up by other classes (see Making up classes 3 §).
5 § General information
• Lessons are 30 min/ 45 min/ 60 min/ 75 min / 90 min/ 120 min long including the change of the groups, taking the attendance and possible actions caused by the corona situation.
• A list of periods, due dates, cancellation dates and holidays is published in the program of each academic year.
• Classes on holidays can be made up with other classes either beforehand or afterwards. They are not compensated in tuition.
• Tanssiopisto has the right to move a student to a class of suitable level.
• A teacher can deny a belated student an access to the class in order to avoid possible injuries.
• Helsingin tanssiopisto has the right to use the material filmed in class and student performances in Tanssiopisto’s brochure, teaching, blog, as well as its website and Facebook and other social media pages. All the chosen material is carefully selected and we will not publish inappropriate material in any form.
• The doors of our studios open 15 minutes before the first class of the day. Students must leave the premises in 15 minutes after the class has ended.
6 § Tanssiopisto’s liability for damages
• Teachers responsibility of the student is limited to the classes only.
• Students need a personal accident insurance.
• Tanssiopisto is not responsible for student coming to class in vain if the Student Office has not been kept up to date with contact information.
• Tanssiopisto is not responsible for items left in the dressing rooms.
7 § Education prevented due to unforeseen events
If the education cannot be arranged due to events beyond the control of Tanssiopisto (force majeure, such as an accident in the studio, government orders, natural disaster, epidemic, etc.) and the education is prevented for 15 days or longer, Tanssiopisto has the right to arrange the education as remote classes. Student fees are then paid as usual. If the education is prevented due to abovementioned reasons for 14 days or less, the student will make up missed classes by going to other classes arranged by Tanssiopisto.
8 § Right to changes
Tanssiopisto reserves the right to change tuition prices by informing the student of the change four (4) weeks before the period the change comes into effect in. A student that does not accept the change can cancel his/her registration as described in 4§. Tanssiopisto reserves the right to occasional or permanent changes in classes and/or teachers.
9 § The student and marketing records
Helsingin tanssiopisto uses its student and marketing records in confidence in billing, matters concerning students and in the marketing of Helsingin Tanssiopisto. A person in the records has the right to check and correct the information concerning them. The information is kept for as long it is relevant, unless the personal register law requires otherwise. see Register description.
10 § Complaints
Any complaints are to be made to the board of Helsingin tanssiopisto in a written form.
In Helsinki 4.6.2022 Helsingin tanssiopiston tuki ry
The Board