Registration for summer

Summer registration form is used to register for summer season’s weekly classes, intensive courses and camps.

In case the class or course is full, the Student Office will contact you. You will not receive a separate confirmation of your registration.

If you participate in a single class, do not fill in a registration form. Single classes are paid in advance to the bank account of Helsingin Tanssiopisto: FI15 1016 3000 7030 60 (BIC: NDEAFIHH). Please, bring the receipt to the class (or show the receipt on your mobile device).


Informing students is done via email. Urgent class changes are notified via text message. Please make sure that the Student Office has your correct contact information.


If you want to cancel your registration, you must do it in writing via email, letter or a cancellation form found on our website. Information about cancelling registration here.

Making up classes

The right to make up occasional classes is valid for two months before and after the absence. Package priced classes and intensive courses do not include the right to make up classes. Making up classes.


Tanssiopisto’s rules are sent to you home with the first invoice. They can also be found on our website.

The summer 2025 periods are:

Period 1: 2.6.-6.7. (5 weeks)
Period 2: 7.7.-10.8. (5 weeks)
In the summer you can also enroll for a partial period of your choice.