Commercial dance is inspired by music videos and other mainstream media. The style is a fusion of different dance styles and the teacher’s personal style is highlighted.

Heidi’s (HS) classes are based on jazz and show dance. The music varies from pop classics to the trendies new releases. The choreographies in Marita’s (MG) classes vary in style and are strongly linked to music. The material is usually closer to street dance styles than to show dance. Leona’s (LEP) classes are influenced most by hiphop. In Emmi’s (ELU) the dance style is influenced by show, heels, and street dance. Choeographies are practised to party music. Noora’s (NP) classes introduce the basics of hip-hop, but also use a lot of jazz dance techniques. Classes include a warm-up and technical part, but the main focus is choreographies.

Beginners 1

Class code Day Time Studio Teacher Duration Age Start date  
24875 We16:45KAS4NP60 min14.8.2024
24331 We19:30LEI8ELU60 min14.8.2024

Beginners 2

Class code Day Time Studio Teacher Duration Age Start date  
24328 Mo18:30KAS5LEP60 min12.8.2024
24329 Tu19:30IBMG60 min13.8.2024

Intermediates 1

Class code Day Time Studio Teacher Duration Age Start date  
24332 Th17:15KAMP3HS60 min15.8.2024

Intermediates 2

Class code Day Time Studio Teacher Duration Age Start date  
24333 Tu18:15STAHS60 min13.8.2024